24 April 2010

Recent Purchase

Recently got this as a new "toy" to get some artistic stuff with film. Planning on using it for some portraits and weddings.

Expect photos from this in the near future. (time delay due to film processing)


Anonymous said...

Why buy the camera and use film, when you can buy a Holga lens for any DSLR camera, get the same effect without having to convert film to digital. Or, get the phototools plugin for photoshop and you can do Holga effects to any picture you take.

Lucas Merrill said...

The main reason I bought it was to use film for personal use. I like the feel of film and you still can't get the dynamic range out of a digital camera that film has.

The whole point of the camera is to give my mind a challenge as far as shooting style goes.

Also, the holga lens on a DSLR isn't exactly the same, the crop factor on my camera wouldn't give me the same vignette that you get out of the holga.

It's not always about ease of operation. This is about a niche style for the sake of enjoying film.